Sunday, February 15, 2009

25 Random Things

I just did this for my Facebook profile. It was an interesting writing exercise. Figured why not add it here as well... so these are the 25 things that came to mind:

1. Always place my vitamin bottles facing the same way in the cabinet.
2. Grapefruit juice over Orange juice
3. The best Bloody Mary is on an airplane made from those little vodka bottles.
4. I would love to become a Tennessee Squire.
5. Can’t understand why anyone likes gin.
6. Coke over Pepsi
7. I sang with the house band at a bar on Bourbon Street.
8. I love New Orleans.
9. I would like to see Nepal some day
10. Survived being roommates with Robert Wagner for a summer in Grand Lake.
11. I have worked on a presidential inauguration.
12. Proud to have watched the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery.
13. Have photographed sunrise in Death Valley.
14. Am lucky to have more than two friends that I’ve known for over 20 years.
15. I live in a house with 11 pugs.
16. Best lesson I learned from my Mom – never deny kindness to anyone.
17. Would like to have the kind of golf game that would allow me to play Pebble Beach Golf Links.
18. I have over 3000 songs on my iPod.
19. Jack Daniels over Wild Turkey
20. I cry at the movies – “The Secret Life of Bees” was the last one that got to me.
21. My DVD collection has swollen to over 300 disks.
22. If I could, I would write like Hunter S. Thompson
23. I have the love and support of three amazing women – Dede, Mary, and Mom
24. For the last couple of months I’ve been practicing card flourishes. I can fan a mean deck!
25. Did I mention I really love Colorado!