Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Myla's Last Bark

Today we finally had to let our oldest pug, Myla, go. For some time, we knew this day was near. Having gone through this with so many animals, you'd think letting them go would get easier - it doesn't!

Every time one of these little creatures goes, they leave a void. For days something is missing in the house. The absences of their unique sounds makes our eyes tear up. In our minds we hear their huffing & panting - we think, "Oh, it's time to let Myla out." But Myla is gone, no girdle to put on, no treats to be given.

Myla came to this house as a rescue, along with her sister Monty. Old dogs that were cast out by people whose lives could no longer accommodate their needs. Surprise that in our disposable society even these little spirits get the boot as a matter of convenience? Luckily for Monty and Myla, D & M took them in without hesitation - they were granted "family" status from the moment they stumbled through our doorway. Although Monty went first, neither of these pugs went without affection or attention our household. These girls were special, they were queens.

Over the years Myla went by many names: Myla-bones, Bonez, and My-by. She loved her treats... I don't believe Bonez ever met a cookie she didn't like. Our young pugs gravitate towards her - they loved lying next to her (or on top of her in some cases), but Myla never complained. She was the Grandam of the house, and she knew it.

The most special thing for me... I would some times walk into the room and I could see Myla rising her nose, taking a couple of sniffs, and Myla knew I was in the room. Please don't be mistaken, I did not do the lion's share of the work with Myla. D was the one who cleaned up after her, hand fed her, stayed up with her at night when her breathing was labored & shallow. D & M paid all the vet bills, and did so without complaint. Without fanfare - D & M deserve medals for what they have endured with Myla and all our animals. They have a love for these angels, that I will never understand. But who am I?

Mother Teresa once said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Today with Myla's passing, I believe I understand this wisdom a little better.


dmoya said...

Thanks T
Myla, take a bow. Our hearts applaud you.

gdeo said...

my brother...i am sorry for your heart goes out to You, Dee and Mary